The Largest Globe In The World Vision Of a future Futuristic Project The information technology revolution that took place in the twentieth century, resulted in the chaos of information, which led to the economic recession the world is experiencing. Thus the idea of establishing a global association was born in order to organize the information market in an easy way to reach, display, and compare with other opportunities. In addition to be able to check its accuracy, in one complete system under one roof. The solution is presented in a building that holds the investment, real estate opportunities, and decision makers under one roof. Inspired by the idea of uniting the world in one place, the notion of establishing a building in the form of a globe was born, to be the center of the real estate and investment communities. The world countries are represented by their organizations (Governmental, semi governmental and private sector). Thus the project consists of the investment groups, organizations, developers, contractors, banks and other association that have a world economic decision. The Target Investment associations that represents the world countries. International real estate development countries. Governmental institutions related to real estate. Elite construction sector. International engineering sector. Banks and financial companies. Companies and institutions that organize auctions and tenders. Investors. Real estate brokers. Feasibility study companies. Contractors. Marketing companies. Operating companies. The owners of real estate properties. Business Exhibitions. Specifications/ Services The building consists of 22 floors covered with glass and iron in the shape of a globe. Surrounded by a hotel and different halls in order to serve the various activities it hosts. The project is equipped with the right tools and services to facilitate the work of the targeted groups and to help in linking the globes together. Offices The building consists of 607 offices semi furnished and equipped with communication and presentation equipments (video-audio) in addition to the possibility of satellite broadcasting from the office through satellite channels in order to achieve communication with all relevant local and international associations. Hotel Business Hotel consists of 128 rooms, aims to provide hotel services for all the clients in the “Globe” also includes all the components of luxury hotels ( 5 stars services, restaurants, café,…) Exhibition Hall Permanent exhibitions hall to exhibit investment opportunities throughout the year. It is divided into several areas (trade, industry, agriculture, real estate…) and equipped with the necessary specifications and communication connections. Auction Hall One of the most important halls of the center where companies and individuals offer their properties in auctions which takes place regularly, and within determined schedules. The Hall is equipped with huge digital screens that display the real estate that are put up for auctions. Tenders Hall A hall for exhibiting tenders equipped with the latest technology needed for this activity. B.O.T Hall A hall for exhibiting B.O.Ts equipped with the latest technology needed for this activity. Stock Exchange Hall Includes large screens to view the global stock directly from all over the world, in addition to the new real estate index, “Noorex” which owned exclusively by Injazz Constructions. Investors Club A private club for VIPs which includes the following components: promotional hall, cafe, communications office, sports hall, swimming pool, Internet room and library.

The Globe

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