Can you recommend a property to me?
We are not in the position to recommend any properties. The site is specifically designed to allow visitors to browse easily through our range of holiday homes and to make a choice.
I get no results from my search. What is the problem?
Try to make your search less strict. It is advisable to fill in a minimum of fields, to avoid missing out on your ideal holiday home.
Can I save my favorite real estates to look at again?
This is possible indeed. Click on the check box 'Favorite' when search results showed. To look at your favorite again, click on the item 'MY FAVORITE HOUSES' in the left menu.
How are the real estates sorted out in the rental list?
The properties are displayed in random order but you can be sorted out according to persons or price as well.
In case you entered a minimum or maximum price in the search criteria, Real estates are automatically sorted out according to price.
How do I advertise on INJAZZ?
To advertise your real estate on INJAZZ you need to register first. Then follow the instructions on the screen to enter your real estate details in the online data form and to upload your pictures.
If you are already registered, please login directly with your username and password.
I have problems uploading my pictures. What is wrong?
The pictures might be too large to upload, each picture must have a maximum size of 2Mb. Should you keep on struggling to get your pictures into this format.
How can I increase the success of my advertisement?
A successful advertisement often depends on a combination of several factors (price, country or region, several similar properties on the website, ...). But Make sure you add attractive pictures from good quality (preferably taken on a sunny day). Good pictures get people interested to click on your property details.
Who do I contact for questions that don't appear in the FAQ?
In that case please contact us at We will try to answer your question as soon as possible.